My winter skin prep

Following on yesterday’s post, I went on to Elle magazine’s website and read the article ‘4 Beauty Treatments you should do during Winter AKA right now’.

One of the articles I shared in yesterday’s post was arguing that those with the most money will have the best skin because the treatments which work are the ones which cost the big bucks.

So according to Elle, the total cost of the 4 beauty treatments I should be doing in winter will set me back £1,145

I’ve been reading Elle magazine for a long time, and I like the content which beauty editor Sophie Beresiner produces (she didn’t write this specific article). However, this article would have been so much more relatable and would have interested me more, had the 4 items on the list been more for the every day person, or at least provide an alternative ‘average person’ option for each of the treatments.

So I thought…’well I’ll just do that list for myself.’

Thinking about exposing any more skin than my neck in Winter is uncomfortable (I’ve been wearing a lot of polo necks to avoid even that- that’s a turtle neck if you’re in the US). Summer seems so far away, and it’s easy to say ‘I’ll just shave my legs and whack on some fake tan when the sun comes out’. So this Winter I want to be less hibernation mode and more preparation mode :

Body brushing. I mentioned this in my December favourites, and I’ve been doing it religiously on dry skin before I get in the shower. It’s too early to see major differences but my skin definitely feels smoother and tighter. Cost=£5

Exfoliating body cream. I put this on my family’s Secret Santa list because I wanted to try the Ameliorate Transforming Body Lotion. It makes sense because I spend the whole year applying retinols and acids to my face so why don’t I do the same for my body? This lotion has lactic acid and almond oil so exfoliating and moisturising. It has a dull smell to it so it’s not designed to be luxurious or spa-like but I feel that it’s a good combination with the body brushing. Cost=Ameliorate have a 25% off Winter sale on right now so it’s £17.

Retinols. If you haven’t tried a retinol, Winter is the best time to do it. Using vitamin A (which is what retinol is) increases skin’s photosensitivity so you risk sun damage and burning with sun exposure so I would recommend using it at night,  followed by a sun cream the next day. Retinol is great for smoothing, resurfacing, pigmentation, scarring, fine lines and blemishes (blemishes as opposed to cystic acne or significant breakouts). There are A LOT on the market but if budget is your concern, brands like The Ordinary have great options. I’ve used their 1% Retinol in Squalane and although it seems to have an oily texture going on, it sinks into the skin and I had no reactions. I’m also testing out the Beauty Pie Super Retinol serum. If you’re not familiar with Beauty Pie, this is an industry disruptor. They sell direct from factory/lab production meaning customers pay production cost, not what skincare and cosmetics companies will charge you at retail. Whereas The Ordinary is a runny liquid with a pipette, Beauty Pie’s goes on like a serum without any oily residue. Cost=£4.20 for The Ordinary and £10.57 (value of £80) for Beauty Pie*

*Beauty Pie is a subscription service so you can’t purchase anything without signing up to a minimum of £10 per month with purchases on top of that.

Nails, Lips, Feet. My lips are so dry at the moment because I forget to put balm on, office central heating and cold air outside. Nails and hands suffer because you don’t always wear gloves and scraping the car windscreen. Feet, well feet just don’t see the light of day for 6 months.

Let’s start with lips. A good scrub followed by a balm will do wonders. I’ve used Fresh and Lush for their lip scrubs and they’re good but messy. I just tried out Sante Naturkosmetik Lip Peeling (it’s German) and it comes in a handy applicator. It’s 100% natural but a bit tricky to get in the UK. Amazon stock a double pack for 12 Euros. For balms, Lanolips The Original Balm is one of the best I’ve tried, you can also use it on cuticles, dry skin, and if you’re on a flight pop some up your nose which will stop it drying out and you catching germs (this last tip is from Caroline Hirons). Cost=£10.99 in Boots. I also like a bit of Burt’s Bees for lip balms. They have a lot of different scents/flavours but I like the natural version although having just looked these up the coconut also sounds delicious! Cost=£3.99.

For hands, I’m not too fussy but if I want a treat for my hands, I’m obsessed with the Clarins Hand & Nail Treatment Cream. It smells divine and leaves hands super soft. Cost=£22 so if you want something cheaper Eucerin and Neutrogena are really good for restoring moisture. My dad works a lot in the garden and swears by the Neutrogena Norwegian formula. Cost £3.99.

For feet, there’s no reason why you can’t use the same cream for your hands and pop some Lanolips on the cuticles. But a good foot file makes sure heels stay smooth so when Spring and Summer come around, you’re ready for those lovely sandals which have been waiting all Winter for you. The Body Shop has one for £5.

So total cost of my winter prep =£85 and that’s picking the most expensive items on my list. I think I know which list I’ll be sticking to…


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